"Orphans" and tourists in Cambodia...

What happens when "suffering" becomes an attraction on a tourist itinerary? In Cambodia, it appears to be increasing the demand for orphanages (which mainly function as day shelters for street children) despite the fact that the actual number of orphans in Cambodia is decreasing.
These day shelters may create needless distance between children and their parents, and could emotionally damage the kids by constantly creating and breaking short-term bonds between children and tourists. Is this a form of exploitation? Maybe, though it is likely rooted in good intentions (in most cases, but not all). The problems presented by short-term relief approaches are manifold, and Lotus Outreach is thus a strong advocate of development-based projects (which work to build the capacity of families to meet their own needs). That said, many of these children do in fact have nowhere else to turn, and the 180 degree backlash against orphanages risks making the real orphans invisible again.
Have you visited an orphanage in Cambodia or in another a developing country? What was your experience like?