LO Society Canada visits Banteay Meanchey (part 3)

That afternoon, we travelled to two destinations. First, we went to Phrasekop with a Safe Migration and Reduction of Trafficking (SMART) team who provided information brochures and kits for those workers planning to cross the border into Thailand to work. They also operated a mobile library, administered first aid, made referrals to health centers, and showed a video - using the battery of their vehicle for electricity! The SMART team was responsible for rescuing two of the grade 12 girls we met from Thailand. Alison felt sure one of them would have been sold to a brothel, as she was really beautiful.
Our final destination was Kor Koh Junior Secondary School in Svay Chek district, where we met with a Local Education Working Group, normally consisting of seven teachers, students, parents and a deputy chair. The groups are responsible for distributing $3 per month to each scholarship student, $2.50 for extra school fees, following up on any sickness or absence, delivering rice support to families, holding orientation for parents at the beginning of the school year, receiving applications, and screening families for need, among other things. Again, I was very impressed with the management. As an aside, I was most impressed that the students study and teachers teach - unlike my travel experiences in Thailand and Laos.
This trip was an amazing experience for us, and I heartily welcome any of you who wish to visit Cambodia and see what is going on there to do so. I would like to thank Glenn Fawvcett, LO’s director of field operations, and Raksmey, LO’s country representative in Cambodia, for all the help they gave us. Again, I would like to thank you for all your assistance to young girls and women in this region. Their lives are infinitely better off as a result of your contributions.
For my part, I am again hitting the pavement in the upcoming Sun Run. We have an LO team, and all members are canvassing their friends and family for funds. You are my “family” - how about we start with a “toonie” per kilometer? There is no maximum. Donations can be made by check, payable to Lotus Outreach Society Canada and sent to PO Box 93650 (Nelson Park)Vancouver, BC V6E 4L7. Or you can now go to our website: and click on “donations” and “Canadian donations”. If you wouldn't mind, let me know if you are donating for the run - we team members are competing for how much money we raise.
In any event, thank you so much for your support in the past, and hopefully your ongoing support. I couldn't help these girls without your help.
Warmly yours,

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